Healthy soils, clean air, water in sufficient quantity and quality – these are the fundamentals for us as an agricultural company.

Climate protection
Plants bind greenhouse gases. This makes agriculture an important contributor to climate protection. We also generate energy from renewable resources and make effective use of our value network. Our goal is to be climate neutral by 2030!

Sustainable crop production protects the groundwater and at the same time secures our food base. Knowledge of the local soils is crucial for the plants’ nutrient requirements – and thus the potential yield of a crop.

Birds, micro-organisms and insects: the Wimex Group takes care to preserve their habitats on its cultivated areas. Minimising tillage contributes to this particularly, by preserving the soil structure for the organisms living there.

At the margins of arable crops and in continuous areas, the Wimex Group has over 100 hectares of flowering plants that have been specially selected as bee pasture. This area is equivalent to more than 140 football fields. We also maintain close contact with local beekeepers, who are welcome to bring their colonies to our plots during the flowering period.